First Announcement
Summer School for Planetary Science and Exploration in East Asia, 2023 (SSPSEEA 2023, Jeju, Korea)
Despite COVID-19, recent space explorations led by the countries in East Asia are very active and require the involvement of many planetary scientists with creative and collaborative ideas. Especially for the future development in this field, it is essential for young scientists to expand not only their scientific capabilities but also mutual communications among countries. The fifth summer school of SSPSEEA aims to educate outstanding graduate students with a major in planetary science, bridge friendships among them, and provide the opportunity for future collaboration in East Asia. The theme of the fifth summer school is science and instrumentation in Lunar exploration.
Place: Jeju Island, South Korea
1 Timeline:
- July 18 (Tue): Registration/Welcome Dinner
- July 19 (Wed) - July 21 (Fri): Lectures on latest lunar science achievements, on going and future and ongoing explorations of China, Japan, and Korea
- (*) Lecturers: TBD
- A certificate will be issued to those students who passed the evaluation through lectures
- Field trip to a volcanic area
2 Registration
- Registration fee is US$500, including lunch, dinner, and accommodation
3 Important Dates
- March 10: First announcement opens
- April 30: Application for registration opens
Registration shall be sent by email to the LOC contact for each country
- May 31: Application closes
- June 10: Student selection
LOC helps VISA applications for Chinese students and others if needed
- June 15: Second announcement with timetable
- July 18: SSPSEEA 2023 begins
4 Student allocation by countries
- 15 from Korea, 5 from China, 5 from Japan, 5 from any other countries: Total: 30
5 Selection of students
- Chinese, Japanese and Korean students are selected in the first week of June by the organization committee in each country. The organization committee discusses students from other countries via email.
- Information required for the selection
Year in grade school
Research interest (a few paragraphs in English)
Recommendation by advisor (a few paragraphs in English as a separate letter)
6 In addition to the lectures, group discussions by students occur during summer school. All students are divided into 5 or 6 groups to discuss a specific topic related to the summer school theme. Time for group discussion will be allocated occasionally on July 18 and 19. On July 20, each group will make a 15-min presentation for all participants.
7 Contacts
- Chinese students email Prof. Long Xiao:
- Japanese students email Prof. Noriyuki Namiki:
- Korean and other countries students email Prof. Young-Jun Choi: