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LPSL 2018将在澳门举办



Objectives and Contents

With the collaboration of nationwide and international colleagues, Lunar and Planetary Science Laboratory (LPSL) of Macau University of Science and Technology is rapidly becoming a regional center for planetary science research. One key role of LPSL is to serve as a platform to facilitate interaction between national and international planetary scientists. With the expected launches of Chang’E 4 to the moon this year and Chang'E 5 next year, Chinese First Mission to Mars in 2020, and the rapid development of the Chinese Asteroid Mission plan, it is very timely to hold a meeting for the international planetary science research community to discuss and exchange ideas about what science could be done and how scientific problems could be addressed with these missions. With this purpose, LPSL is organizing the 3rd International Symposium on Lunar and Planetary Science (ISLPS held every 2 years, last time was in Wuhan) this year in Macau. The dates are June 12-15.        

Paper Submission

Authors are invited to submit An Abstract in the form of an electronic file in WORD format to the following email address before April 6th, 2018.

Official Symposium Email Address: ssipub@must.edu.mo.

Click here to download the template for submission.


All accepted abstracts will be presented in the symposium as Oral or Poster presentation, and a special issue in an English journal is under planning.